Specialist in the design, manufacture, supply and servicing of industrial centrifugal and axial fans.

Browse our range of process fans

From ATEX and IECEx fans, to centrifugal, nuclear, wood waste fans and more, we can even design you a bespoke fan, based on your specific needs and requirements.

Need help finding the right ventilation solution?

Call us on +44(0) 1484 462 777, and one of our experienced sales
engineers will happily walk you through the options for your business.



Our Company

Our team of fan designers and engineers have over 120 years combined experience in manufacturing. Watch our company video.

Industries In Which We Operate

We’ve been designing and supplying fans for thousands of companies for over 40 years, and over that time, we’ve gained experience operating in a wide variety of industries.

From food and drink to chemical, defence, energy and more, we’ve developed the knowledge that each industry requires from a fan; and our ATEX and IECEx fans have been created specifically to operate in potentially hazardous or explosive environments.

Browse the key industries we work in:

Fan Servicing & Spares

A failing fan can impact your business massively, which is why our maintenance and repairs team will help to stop any potential problems before they happen.

Find out more about our comprehensive servicing options below, which we can carry out onsite. Additionally, we can also install your new fan for you, as well as carrying out any inspections or refurbishments required.


Engineering Excellence

At Woodcock & Wilson, we’re the only manufacture in the world to offer third-party certified fan systems.

Designing, manufacturing, supplying and servicing industrial fans to a variety of customers in a range of industries is our passion.

Fan Efficiency

The last decade has seen not only an increase in price but also an increasing in energy consumption which results to increase levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. To maintain economic growth there is the need to promote energy efficiency.


Committed to health, safety, environmental and quality standards